[Article by Assistant Governor Ken Weiss, Photos by Lou Bartolo] It was toasty warm for the installation of Governor Nomie Hamid, but the crowd was large. The band was good but had to stop at 6:15 for the formal proceedings. An hour or so later, there was a new Rotarian in charge of our sixty club district. The Master of Ceremonies was Gloria Aparacio Blackwell, Director of the Office of Community Engagement, University of Maryland. She did an excellent job. Former DG, Geetha Jayaram, gave Nomie a Major Donor pin and said our district had given more than $1 million to the Rotary Foundation during the past 12 months. The Mayor of College Park said Nomie had been named Influential Marylander 2023. Our incoming DG received a proclamation from the city Mayor and an official Citation from the General Assembly presented by State Senator Jim Rosapepe, and then was expertly introduced by former DG, Barton Goldenburg. Nomie's talk was filled with recognitions of the many people who have supported him in his endeavors, start a business, start more businesses, become a well-known philanthropist, and more. He recognized his team for Rotary year 2024-2025, thanked outgoing Governor Delores for a job well done, and urged the club leaders present to work together and accomplish more than ever before. Then, it was time for Nomie's catering business to satisfy the appetites of about 400 Rotarians and guests. There was a line, of course, but there was plenty for all at four food stations. Then, a surprising number of us stayed for quite a while for fun and fellowship. The band played on, and we left College Park with a new Rotary year only one week away. |