Susan Albertine is an independent higher education consultant. She is a retired Vice President, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Student Success, at the American Association of Colleges and Universities. Her work internationally and in the US centers on liberal education, general education, and public health. She is a co-author of Becoming a Student-Ready College: A New Culture of Leadership for Student Success (Jossey-Bass, 2016; 2d ed., 2022).
An American literary historian, Albertine is an interdisciplinary scholar whose work in the humanities embraces equity and public health. She was dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and professor of English at the College of New Jersey, 2002-2008. She served as vice provost, undergraduate studies, Temple University, and assistant to the provost, University of Pennsylvania. She has taught English at University of North Florida, St. Olaf College, Susquehanna University, and Chicago State University.
A former public school teacher, Albertine has been nationally active in P-20 alignment, including the American Diploma Project. She served on the board of directors, Camden Academy Charter High School, Camden, New Jersey; the Advisory Board for the Delaware Study of Instructional Costs and Productivity; and the board of Art Sanctuary, an African-American arts organization in Philadelphia. Albertine was elected to the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) board in 2004 and became President-Elect in 2007. She served on the advisory board National Resource Center on the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (2011-2017). She was a member of the National Academies Committee on the Integration of Arts, Humanities, Science, and Medicine (2016-2018).
Specialties: Areas of Expertise: Liberal Education and General Education, Student Success, Curriculum and Faculty Development, P-16 Access and Equity, Institutional Change; Public Health Education. Professor of English, specializing in United States Studies.