"Catherine Filene Shouse - An Extraordinary Life.”
Gerald will present on his current project, "Catherine Filene Shouse - An Extraordinary Life.” We can show a portion of our “work in progress" nationwide public television documentary program - "Catherine Filene Shouse - An Extraordinary Life" based on the memoirs of founder and creator of Wolf Trap the first and only National Park for the Performing Arts. She became a lifelong proponent for women’s rights, the environment, and most of all the performing arts. She served her country and the world privately and selflessly. Kay Shouse was a proud advocate of America’s diversity in the arts. The United States awarded Catherine Filene Shouse its highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Gerald Krell is President of Auteur Productions. Before founding Auteur he traveled around the world creating documentaries for the United States Information Agency (USIA).
He has produced and directed award-winning national public television interfaith documentaries including most recently: “Guru Nanak: The Founder of Sikhism”
Previously he produced and directed, “The Asian & Abrahamic Religions: A Divine Encounter in America,” of which The Toronto Globe and Mail TV reviewer said: “Beautifully made and meant to educate solidly about shared religious beliefs… it’s one it’s one of those important docs to be aired.” It was an official selection of the Sun Valley Spiritual Film Festival.
“Three Faiths, One God: Judaism, Christianity, Islam”, which The New York Times called: “A thought provoking PBS documentary.”
“Jews and Christians: A Journey of Faith” – The Seattle Post-Intelligencer said: “As a thoughtful guide to respect and tolerance ‘A Journey of Faith’ may have no peer. The documentary is a choice example of thorough reporting and brilliant editing.”
Mr. Krell also produced and directed the documentary “The National Press Club: A Century of Headlines,” covering key journalistic issues like freedom of the press, bias in the news, and secrecy in government. He is a member of the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences.