Carol S Jordan, MPHS, RN, Senior Communicable Disease and Epidemiology in the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services will present on the "Avian Influenza and Pandemic Flu".
State Delegate Jean Cryor
Bruce Romer - Chief Administrative of Montgomery County
SeniorPastor Hanfere Aligaze of the Ethiopia Evangelical Church will discuss the orphanage and school his Church has opened in Addis Abba, Ethiopia
Rotary District Governor Pat Kasuada told us about her plans for the 2006-7 year
Alexis Meade, now at Vassar, spoke about her 3 years of being a congressional intern.
Bill Kramer, P.E., a civil engineer with the National Rural Water Association and the International Rural Water Association, presented on the work that the International Rural Water Association is doing in Central America and the Caribbean
Miwa Omori, Ambassadorial Scholar from Japan studying psychology at GWU and a talk on how to use the internet for world-wide calls.
Linda Smythe talked on "Friendship with Arab World: the Basra Prosthetics Project". Linda, with the Montgomery Village Rotary, has managed, through a partnership with the non-profit organization, Physicians for Peace, to re-start an existing prosthetics centre in Basra not only with supplies and equipment, but also with training and sustainable programs.
Vasily Nikitenko from St. Petersburg, Russia presently at Georgetown Law on current events in Russia
Richard Schimel, Partner Budow and Noble (Bethesda), About our courts
Bob DeGroot, MD Alliance for Greenway Improvement
Brian Gragnolati, CEO, Suburban Hospital
Admiral Yost, Pres.James Madison Foundation
Sonja Griva Zabert, 2003-4 Rotary Scholar, from Italy
Robert Pearson, Dir.Gen.of the Foreign Service & Former Ambassador to Turkey
Melissa Flynn, Rebuilding Together
Ken Denlinger, sports writer for the Washington Post for 37 years
Sue Dollins of The Senior Connection of Montgomery County on senior citizen issues
Dick Gordon about WWII experiences as a medic
Dr. Mani Vinod Kurian, Ambassadorial Scholar from India studying in the Biomedical Sciences department at Catholic University, will tell about the Cataract Project being implemented by his sponsoring district
Brad Voigh, Executive Director of the International Book Bank (IBB), on how textbooks are shipped to students in Africa; selection of textbooks/costs/etc. Our Club has already shipped well over 10,000 books to Africa through IBB
Rotarian Hazel and three very special friends presented a slide show about their month long travels in Columbia -- cultural, food, music and way of living
Cabin John Fire Dept.-Assistant Chief-Larry Miller -- to celebrate CJFD's 75th anniversary
Laura Feldman, a professional advocate and lobbyists for Older Americans; has been active organizer for the National Committee to Preserve Social Security & Medicare for the past 15 years; demystified the politics around the issue and made it fun
Bruce Adams, Exec.Director and founder of the Big Train Baseball League, about this League that includes some of the best college baseball players
Patrick Haggerty, press secretary to 3 members of congress, journalist, and advisor to 4 Presidental compaigns, used his Irish humor to explain the current status of the political parties
Marty Feldman, frequent corporate speaker about "Inspired Speaking" on how to motivate and get your message across
Brigadier General Fernado Gianncotti, Italian Air Force on cooperation between the Italian and US armed forces in Iraq and in the war on terrorism
Pat Hanberry, Executive Directory of the Frederick County Mental Health Association, about first hand experiences of dealing with young children with polio and giving polio vaccine
Catherine Leahan, Public Information Officer Governor’s Office of Homeland Security on the state of homeland security and emergency preparedness in Maryland
New member, Dr. Noel Howard introduced himself to the club
Judi Bankhead talked about the history of the First Agape at Gibson Grove
Bob Martin, Director of TL Foundation that rehabs eyeglasses for the Mayan Mexican population
Kit Moss, Exec.Director of The Diplomat's Washington, about acclimating diplomats to DC, and So Rie Lee, Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar from Korea
Joe Spaniol, Esquire, on the history of the Supreme Court. He was a law clerk for Justice Warren Berger and Chief Justice Rehnquist.
Eleanor Cain, the "mayor" of Potomac about the history of Potomac
Paula Matuskey, Professor of History at Montgomery College, on the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.Professor Robert Gallagher about the history of radio
Carol Jordan, Senior Health Care Administrator with the Montgomery County Public Health Preparation and Response Program, on bioterrorism
Judith Rozier about accupuncture
New member Ambassador Fritz Cineas introducing self to the club