"Marty" passed away peacefully in her home surrounded by her three surviving children, Mary Rankin Meade Howell (William), Martha Pendleton Meade Weber (Gary), Philip Pendleton Cooke Meade Jr. (Linda) and her devoted caregiver, Remenila Tirol. She was predeceased by her husband of 64 years, Philip Pendleton Cooke Meade; two of her five children, William Rankin Meade [1997] and Elizabeth Burwell Meade [2020]; and her brother John Woodruff Rankin [2009].
"Marty" attended Rollins College during World War II and majored in music. During the War, she also volunteered on a farm while many farm hands were away fighting. She enjoyed figure skating, swimming, and traveling around the world. She was a long-time member of Gamma Phi Beta, Washington Golf and Country Club and St. David's Episcopal Church in Washington, DC, where she was a member of Altar Guild and visited home-bound parishioners. Her seven grandchildren and nine great grandchildren will miss having their loving "Granny" in their lives. |